Toss and Volley

Tactical Problem:  How to use soft hands to catch, volley and send back to partner
Skill development:  proper technique of the volley

Task #:
  • 1.  toss ball high and catch ball above head
  • 2.  lay on floor and push ball along floor to partner
  • 3.  volley back to tosser, 5 times each
  • bend knees, little wider than shoulder width
  • hands above head in a triangular formation
  • relax finger tips
  • cushion ball to forehand
  • extend arms out, superman pose
  • toss ball side to side
  • volley back and forth with partner
  • volley over the net
  • use badminton nets (lower nets)
Teaching Pt.
  • face the direction of where you want the ball to go
Task 1

Task #2

Task #3 : volley Back

Task #3 Extended: volley over net

Organizational Points: 
    • in pairs
    • # themselves off 1 and 2
    • 1's get ball, 2's find open space